We make it as easy as possible for you to contact us.

  1. Call us at 866-684-7512, and we will connect you to the right person.
  2. Contact us by email at info@hcsg.net. Someone will respond within a day.
  3. Use the form below. Please mention in the comments section what you want to discuss and we will have one of our managers contact you within about a day.

Thank you.

A representative will contact you shortly.

HCSG has successfully completed the Common Security Framework (CSF) Self-Assessment from the Health Information Trust Alliance (HITRUST). HITRUST was established under the premise that information security should be a core pillar of the broad adoption of health information systems and exchanges. The CSF combines requirements from existing federal, state, and third party standards such as HIPAA, HITECH, PCI, COBIT, NIST, and FTC.